Please read the License Agreement before installing and using the indicators.
Getting Started
Thank you once again for your purchase of the Quantum Trading Indicators. We really appreciate your business and if you do have any questions please just email us at helpdesk[@] and one of our support team will be happy to help you further.
Below are the simple steps you need to take to update your indicators
You can install the indicators on as many PC’s as you wish, but the indicators will only work if the MT4 account is the same on each machine. This gives you the option to install them on a laptop and desktop for example for travelling etc. If you want to install the indicators on two different accounts and run them simultaneously, then you will need to purchase a second user licence and create a second user account. Second and subsequent user licences are available at a 50% discount from the first.
Step One – Downloading Your Indicators
You can install our indicators in the new MT4 build by following these easy steps:
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD > Quantum Trading Indicators for MetaTrader 4- Download the ZIP file above. This contains the files needed to run the indicators.
- Open your MT4 terminal.
- Click File > Open Data Folder. A new window will appear showing the folder where the indicators should reside.
- Extract the contents of the ZIP file to this folder. If you do not know how to extract files to a folder, please refer to the instructions below.
- Right-click the ZIP file (filename you just downloaded.
- Select Open with > Windows Explorer. A window will appear.
- The ZIP file contains a folder. Right-click the MQL4 folder and select Copy.
- Go back to the window opened when you clicked Open Data Folder in the last step. Right-click and select Paste.
- If Windows warns you about overwriting folders, just select YES.
- Restart your MT4 terminal. You will find your new indicators in the Navigator under the tree named Quantum. Each indicator has the prefix Quantum. The package includes all our indicators but please remember that only those you purchased will work. If you do drag and drop any which you have not yet purchased, then you will be alerted with a message to contact Quantum Trading. Simply remove this indicator from any charts and the message will then disappear.
- Remember to tick Allow DLL imports option at the Tools > Options >Expert Advisors tab.
- Open a chart, run your Quantum Trading indicator and find the Account Email field in its Inputs tab. When running the Quantum Trading indicators for the first time in your trading account, you need to enter the email you used to register in the Quantum Trading Indicators Enablement System – as part of its verification process. You only need to do this once as the email is stored in the terminal’s cache after it is entered initially. Please make sure that you enter your email correctly and exactly without any extra spaces before and after it. If you made an error, simply fill this field again to update it. If done correctly, your indicator should now start to work.
You’re done installing the indicators! Good job!
All of your indicators are now updated.
Step Two – Clearing your Account Code
This step only applies for when you are transferring your indicators to a different broker. If this does not apply to you, please skip this step.
The indicators work on a demo account or live account in exactly the same way – there is no difference in performance or functionality. The license only allows you to use your indicators with one MT4 account at a time. However you can use them on several machines at once, provided this is the same MT4 account.
You are free to transfer your license to other MT4 accounts whenever you wish, and as often as you like, from demo to live, or from one account to another. There are no restrictions whatsoever.
Simply login to your account at and go to your User Dashboard. Erase the current code in the Account Code field and click on the Update button. This will remove the old account code. After this you can go back to your MT4 account and attach your indicator to a chart.
MT4 Brokers – Prefix and Suffix On Pairs
Most MT4 brokers use the standard quoting convention on their platforms, where any pair is simply quoted in the conventional way as GBP/USD or USD/JPY. However, one or two brokers differentiate their platforms by adding a prefix or a suffix to the quotation, and if this is the case with your MT4 broker, then there is an additional step which is required when installing two of the Quantum Trading indicators, namely the CSI and the DXY.
When you drag and drop the indicator onto your chart, the following pop up window will appear:

In the top level navigation, select the Inputs tab, and then left click in the Value box to enter the Prefix or the Suffix codes used by your broker. The above is for the CSI indicator, but the same window will appear for the DXY indicator. If your MT4 broker does use a prefix or suffix on any currency pairs, then these two indicators will ONLY WORK, if these input fields are correct.
You can manage all your indicators from inside your Quantum Trading account, which also shows you which indicators are enabled in your User Dashboard. The word (Unlimited) shows you that you have purchased a lifetime license from us.
You can update your User Profile in the left hand navigation, to change your password, email and personal details.
The Update page is used if you would like to buy other indicators from us which perhaps were not part of your original package.
This is explained in a separate document. If you would like further details please just send an email to and we will be delighted to help further.