Tick Volumes Indicator for MT4/MT5


If you trade spot forex using volume and price, the Quantum Ticks Volume indicator is a must have indicator. Volume bars are painted to match the price making it easy to match the two. Then the dynamic mid point shows you the relative height of the bars for the session. Simple and elegant.

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Many forex traders assume there is no volume in the foreign exchange market. And they would be correct. There is no central exchange, not yet anyway. And even if there were, what would it report?

What there is however is activity, and this is captured as tick volume. After all, volume is simply displaying activity, the buyers and sellers in the market. So for volume read activity, and for activity read volume – simple. The MT4 platform delivers tick data which the Quantum Tick Volumes indicator then displays in a more elegant and useful way.

First, the indicator paints the volume bars the same color as the candles on the chart. This means you can quickly match price and volume bars together. If you are trading using volume and price, this is imperative. Your analysis will depend on a fast interpretation of the volume price relationship.

Second, the indicator prints a dynamic mid point based on the daily data, giving you an instant picture of whether the volume is high, medium or low in the time frame selected. Again, this is essential for correctly analyzing the price volume dynamic. After all, what is average volume in the London session, may be high volume in the Asian session. The dynamic mid point level reveals this instantly on the indicator, helping you make sense of the highs and lows of each volume bar.